
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Lemon Cake

Things that brightened my day today:

- Realtalks™ (just kidding, no trademark)
- Sunlight streaming through the windows
- Spontaneous afternoon naps
- The delightfully inappropriate shenanigans of Deadpool
- Cake for dinner

Adults are allowed to make poor choices like that. Cause maybe I don't feel like cooking, and I had this cake I needed to eat because I spontaneously bought seven lemons at Aldi. This recipe reminds me so much of Ireland. Partially because I have a really joyful post about making lemon curd there, and partially because this cake recipe comes from The Cake Cafe Bake Book (The Cake Cafe being a hidden place in Dublin I spent a whole afternoon trying to find). Makes me feel very wistful and nostalgic. I was so free of responsibilities when I was there. But maybe living in the real world most of the time makes one appreciate those carefree times even more?

This cake is super tasty, but I overcooked mine a bit. I keep forgetting how hot my oven runs. Still good though! I covered mine in whipped cream, but I bet a cream cheese frosting would be really nice. Or a chocolate frosting, because I think lemon and chocolate are an unexpected but wonderful pairing. Also, sorry for the crap pictures. If I don't just snap something on my phone right away, I probably won't take a picture and then I won't post about it.

Lemon Cake 
from The Cake Cafe Bake Book

3 eggs, separated
300 g sugar
50 g room temperature butter
225 g plain yogurt
3 lemon zests
1 T lemon juice 
175 g self raising flour (Or make your own like I did) 
1 t baking powder

Lemon Curd (my recipe linked above is pretty reliable) 

Grease an 8" round pan and preheat the oven to 350. 
Beat butter, sugar, and egg yolks in a bowl until lightened in color and a bit fluffy. Add yogurt, lemon zest, and juice, and mix until smooth, remembering to scrape down the sides of the bowl regularly. Gently fold in flour and baking powder. Whisk egg whites to a soft peak and fold into the mixture. Pour into pan and bake for 60-75 minutes (Mine probably was done at 45, so just watch it. You know your oven). Cool completely, then slice into three disks. Spread lemon curd between two layers, and leave the top un-curded. Frost with whatever you'd like!